Achinsk Drama Theater
Author: Ostrovsky
Director: Dmitry Akimov
Stage and costume designer: Julia Vetrova
The performance "First Love" turned out to be very important for our team. We composed it with great love, this can be seen in the details of the set, in the props and costumes, selected carefully and with great love. We wanted to fill the performance with warmth, the atmosphere of summer turning into autumn, I wanted to use natural materials such as wood, dry grass, water, in my scenography the wind blows and snow falls. The scene is a country house, a concentration of youth, joy, freedom and first love, ending in a small tragedy. Pure, genuine emotions, when the entire range of feelings is felt vividly and exaggerated, as in youth. The performance is lived in one breath, you remember your youth, and you want to cry and laugh along with the actors.