Opera "The eldest son"

Irkutsk Regional State Musical Theater named after N.M. Zagursky

Author: Alexander Vampilov
Composer: Gennady Gladkov
Libretto: Yuliy Kim
Director: Alexey Smirnov
Stage and costume designer: Julia Vetrova

Working on the opera "The Eldest Son" is especially dear and close to me, because it was a classic process, according to all the laws of the ancient theater school from which I graduated. At first, the director and I searched for materials and information on this project for a long time, studied the historical aspects of that time, then I drew sketches for each scene and then I made a theatrical layout on a scale of 1:20, this can be seen on my website in the sketches section. Then we flew to distant Irkutsk to submit the project, it was very cool, because every defense and delivery of the project is a special event for me.
The project turned out exactly the same, both in the layout and sketches, of course, this is always the case with me, but it was especially nice to see my layout in the theater workshops and, at the same time, the scenery, which seemed to grow out of it.
Another interesting thing is that the decoration elements work in the stage space according to the principle of a game of tag. Very mobile and easy, like the music to this opera itself.