Performance "Mary's field"
Cultural Center "ZIL"

Author: Oleg Bogaev
Director: Ekaterina Dubakina
Stage and Costume designer: Julia Vetrova

The play "Maryino Field" was born for us very quickly, we did everything with our own hands, it was important for us to convey the atmosphere of the journey of three women who went to look for their missing husbands. We came up with the idea that in our play we would have real dead trees on stage, and the director and I went into the forest with pruning shears to look for the specimens we needed. I remember how we wandered through the forest in search of the necessary trees and cut off large branches with pruning shears, carried them out to the car and went back into the forest for the next batch. When we brought our branches to the stage, we began to plant them in cement so that they stood stable on the stage plank. We mixed a mixture of cement and until it hardened, we inserted our tree branches into it, so we got a thicket of the forest. We created this performance from improvised means, it turned out to be very imaginative, playful and atmospheric.