Kirov State Theater for Young Spectators on Spasskaya
Author: Michael Bulgakov
Director: Yana Selezneva
Stage and costume designer: Julia Vetrova
I am always interested in working in the theater on the texts of Mikhail Bulgakov. His works are always rich in images, characters, filled with mysticism and gradually, in the process of work, this mysticism begins to happen on stage, in the theater and with the people who come up with the performance. This amazing phenomenon inevitably follows Bulgakov's texts, we also did not escape it... In this performance we were faced with the task of figuring out how a young doctor would perform operations and we solved them in a very interesting way, through different musical instruments, which helped us convey atmosphere of the Bulgakov hospital and invent each scene of the play as a separate work, united into a common narrative.
In the set, I came up with a corner in which the young doctor was driven, a space with a huge window and doorway, open to all winds. This space interacts with the hero throughout the performance, scares him, helps him, or, on the contrary, hinders him. All the doctor's fears are also in this corner, but there are also his assistants here.
The anatomical theater that comes out during the performance constantly reminds him that he was just a student quite recently and has little practice. At the end, space opens up and releases our hero into the snowy night.